Chronos RDS scheduler
About Chronos
Chronos is a free RDS messages scheduler for Airomate.
Chronos works only with the registered version of Airomate.
It's a very simple program that gives you the possibility to schedule the Programme Service name (PS) and the RadioText (RT) for over a week.
How does it work
First of all you start with making Message Blocks which contains the PS and RT sequences. You can make unlimited number of blocks which contains unlimited number of messages. These blocks can be placed in the scheduler at one or more days in a week on any time. When you hit the Run button, Chronos will save the PS and RT message in two seperated files. One for the PS message and one for the RT message. These files can be readed by Airomate and are constantly updated by Chronos. Different schedule schemes can be saved.

Setup Chronos and Airomate
- Start Chronos
- Go to Show->Options
- Click on the "Browse..." button at the PS output file and give a name and location for the PS output file. The PS output file saves the PS message that will be currently broadcasted by Airomate. This file will be consantly readed by Airomate.
- Do the same for the RT output file
- Set the default PS and RT message. This default message will be used when there is no PS or RT message scheduled. This happens when the schedule is completely clear. It will also be used when you close Chronos.
- Click on the "Close" button.
- Select the tab "Message blocks"
- Click on the "New block" button. This will create a new message block with the default name "New #"
- Change the name of block by editing the block name.
- Click on the "Add" button to create a new PS message.
- Edit the message and set the repitition time. The repitition time is the length of time in seconds (up to 999 seconds) that the message will be broadcasted by Airomate. The PS message can only be eight characters long. But in Chronos you can type more then eight characters. This is done because you can also use the inline commands for Airomate. These commands are: <time>, <shortdate>, <longdate> and <file filename>
The time command will display the current time.
The shortdate command will display the current date like: 28-9-05
The longdate command will display the current date like: Wednesday 28 september 2005
The file command will display the text in the specific file. This can be used for showing the name of current playing artist and its song title.
- Click on the "OK" button.
- Add as many messages as you want and do the same for the RT messages. The RT messages can be 64 characters long but the same rules applies as for the PS messages.
- Click on the "New block" button to create a new message block. Repeat this until you have made all the message blocks you want.
- On the left side of Chronos you'll see a list of Message blocks in alphabetic range. You can not create two message blocks with the same name. By selecting a Message block in the Message block list, you can edit the selected Message block if you want.
- Select the tab "Scheduler".
- Select the day you want to schedule.
- Select the message block in the "Message block" list that you want to schedule.
- Click on the "Add" button or double click on the message block.
- Set the time of the day when the message block must be broadcasted.
- Click on the "OK" button.
- When you have set all the schedule times then go to File->Save As...
and set the file name and location where you want to save the complete schedule. The default file name "Default.ini" will be automaticly loaded when you start Chronos.
- Click on the "Run" button. This will create the two PS an RT output files.
- Start Airomate.
- Click on the "Setup" button.
- Go to RDS->Programme Service.
- Mark "Programme Service name from file:".
- Click on the "Browse..." button and select the PS output file that you have set in Chronos.
- Click on the "Apply" button.
- Do the same for the RadioText.
- Close the setup window and click on the "On/Off" button.
- Now Airomate will broadcast the scheduled PS and RT messages.
Chronos is currently in beta. If you find any bugs, please report them on my e-mail.
Version history
version 0.1 beta |
version 0.2 beta |
- The graphic user interface has been changed a little bit.
- The window can be resized.
Chronos version 0.2 beta